Why A Morning Routine Will Change Your Life

Bright natural dining room nook with vases plates and fruits on the table.

Put yourself first, if only for ten minutes

The alarm goes off, you hit snooze once (OK… maybe a few more times), before getting out of bed and into either the bathroom or the kitchen. Once dressed you head out the door to grab a coffee and make the commute to work. And so it begins, you spend the rest of the day responding to the external with everything and everyone else getting the best of you.

I’ve been a big champion of a morning routine for a number of years now. They give you the gift of putting yourself first before the world gets a look in and they are powerful tools in helping you anchor in the rest of the day.

My morning routine takes around 2 hours. I know that may sound a lot but it’s something that I’ve built up to over time and because I make it a priority. It involves free writing, breath work, meditation, exercise, self-care practices and breakfast.

If you are feeling like the world is encroaching on every part of your life then maybe getting up 10-15 minutes earlier to focus on your breath, write down your thoughts or do some gentle movement will make all the difference. Try it out for ten days and see if you notice a difference.

The other thing that I’ve started doing is charging my phone in the bathroom and setting it so that apps are on a time limit until 9am. This stops the temptation to scroll and lose time that could be redirected into filling my cup up first.

If we take the time to put ourselves first I believe that we are more able to cope with whatever challenges may crop up throughout the day and supercharges our resilience, which in today’s world, we could all do with being on full power.


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